Greatly extends the time to complete mission objectives, decreasing the tactical difficulty of the game.Provides more time to defeat ADVENT, decreasing the strategic difficulty of the game.Dark Events never expire, greatly increasing both tactical and strategic difficulty as the game progresses.Only activates when War of the Chosen introduction is disabled. Start the game with a Templar in the squad.Start the game with a Skirmisher in the squad.Start the game with a Reaper in the squad.Soldiers recover health equal to half of their damage taken at the end of missions. Health of all soldiers and enemies is doubled.Beneath the difficulty options, you’ll find Toggle Advanced Options View. XCOM 2: War of the Chosen – How To Make Custom In-Game Propagandaīefore starting a new game in XCOM 2: War of the Chosen, you’ll be able to change your gameplay experience with new Advanced Options.įrom New Game you can select your difficult or change some of the in-game settings for your randomly generated campaign.
Want to get a Templar, Reaper or Skirmisher in your team right at the start of the game? You can do that and lots of other awesome little game-changing options with these XCOM 2: War of the Chosenadvanced options.